
thejeremynix_profilepictureforblogging-01692 (1280x960)

My daughter Penelope took this image of me when she was only three-years-old.

I’m 39 40 years old, a father of three, and a human being who happens to find happiness through the viewfinder of any camera in my possession. I live in Colorado, and I’m currently pursuing a degree in Journalism. I was born cross-eyed and I’ve always seen the world in double vision. I’m not sure if that affects my photography or not, but it has definitely affected my perception of the world around me, as well as the people in it. I traveled the world with the Marine Corps in my early twenties, and was too busy working or getting drunk in my free time to bother taking any photographs. This fact has given me the urge to capture everything I see with my cameras. I don’t ever want to miss an opportunity to record what I see in the world ever again. I’ve spent the last three four years immersing myself in the world of photography. I never leave home without a camera or two. I’m not sure if I am capturing anything relevant or if I’ll someday be recognized as a photographer of note, but I am enjoying life behind the lens.

217 thoughts on “About

  1. John Thursday says:

    Just wanted to stop by to say thanks for following my work. I’m really enjoying your work as well. You have an interesting perspective and have captured some fantastic moments.



  2. gregg says:

    Just clicked on your blog fella – you have an excellent eye ( no pun intended) for catching the moment. I really like the walk by door shots, i seem to to do it alot myself and have to catch up with the missus – whose miles up the road.


  3. Hey, fellow Coloradoan and photographer. Thanks for following my blog, otherwise, I might not have found you here in cyberspace! As far as I can tell, your early eye challenges haven’t affected your photography in a negative way at all. I like your photos and will be visiting your blog again.


  4. when you say that you “never leave home without a camera or two”…you remind me of myself, never leaving home without a pen or paper…You are a passionate photographer and that is BEAUTIFUL! Thank you for visiting my blog and for your “follow”…and now I am following you! Perhaps one day we can collaborate…I am sure some of your photos would enhance my writing! Best of luck to you!


  5. Hello Jeremy,

    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and following it.

    I am really glad to find you here and hope to see more images and stories from your home place.

    Have a nice day 🙂


  6. Thanks so much for following Oh, the Places We See. We love photography blogs, too, although we’re not very good at photography . . . just travel! But the combo seems to work fairly well for us. Best wishes for always seeing the world in unique ways and for having your camera ready any time! http://ohtheplaceswesee.com


  7. “I never leave home without a camera or two. I’m not sure if I am capturing anything relevant or if I’ll someday be recognized as a photographer of note, but I am enjoying life behind the lens, and it is my goal to make a living at it.” That’s exactly how I feel about it! It’s always great finding people with the same quirk and passion 🙂
    Thanks for following!


  8. Thanks for dropping in and following my blog (Fifty Fridays). I have only just started browsing your blog, and I can tell that I’m going to be spending a lot of time here. 🙂 I love the challenges of street photography, and I’m hoping to learn a thing or two from you. Hope you enjoy my blog.


  9. angelos.ang says:

    Hello 🙂 I wanted to say how much I like “Perception” it seems like you’ve put a lot of effort in it. I am 17 years old and a young photographer. It would be great if you could help me by either following or liking my blog http://aggelosang.wordpress.com I hope you find my work enjoyable! Thanks a lot


    • Thanks for your comment. I’m happy you like the blog, and I’m equally as happy to follow yours as well. Good luck in your future exploration of all things photography! Enjoy the ride.


  10. Hey!!! I just discovered your blog. Your work is really wonderful. Your photographs are full of colors, story and life. Nice to meet you. Would like to visit regularly. Have a nice day…:)


  11. I love how passionate you seem regarding your craft. I think loving what you do, especially to the point where you ant it are inseparable is a beautiful, exhilarating thing. Thank you for choosing to share that with us. I just started blogging, and have found myself loving every minute my fingers tap keyboard. You can see my blog at tealighttaylor.wordpress.com.


  12. Thanks for following our blog 🙂 After this trip, we have decided we would carry a camera with us every where we go from now on. As there are so many photo opportunities that sometimes we just don’t see because we are not looking around 🙂 Happy snapping and thanks again for stopping by our blog!


  13. grebi says:

    Hi! Thank you for following my blog, I love to share happiness and beauty with anybody with the same aim! Great pics you take 😉 Have a beautiful day! Greta


  14. Nice to be in contact. You found the blog where I write about photography. If you have taken the time to browse my blog you’ll notice I only ever discuss photography. I am glad you did find me, now I will wander through your blog and get to know you.


  15. Pingback: b & w challenge – people 3 | Moments

  16. Today I started reading your blog from the very beginning out of curiosity. Now, I just finished page 50 of seventyandquitesome and I already came to the conclusion that delivering valuable critique to your photographs is a really hard task. Technical aspects do not apply to you, simply as you obviously do not strive for technically perfect photos and in terms of composition and “story” (statement, conclusion, whatever) … there is hardly anything I can spot that could improve the phototgraph. 🙂
    Keep on creating and posting such amazing photographs and lyrics!
    Back to reading now. Hope you won’t mind me busting your stats page.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much for your kind words! I am imperfect to a fault. I think being cross-eyed almost makes me strive to put little imperfections into everything I do. Photography and otherwise. I like things in my life to be slightly askew. 🙂 THANK YOU for reading my blog, I’m happy you are enjoying it.

      Liked by 1 person

  17. For the life of me I can’t find where to subscribe by e-mail. I know I can hit “Follow”, but that just adds the site to my reader . . . I never look at my reader.

    Also, I could only find this page by clicking on the notice I get on my e-mail . . . I can usually navigate WordPress themes, but I don’t see a menu anywhere. There is an icon on the right sidebar, but clicking it does not bring up anything.

    Do you even have an option for e-mail subscription?


    • I do, but it isn’t accessible on this theme which I am using until I buy some more storage space on this blog. I have to link my images through flickr for now. I actually added a follow by email widget on the top. I’d love for you to follow by email. Sorry about the poorly managed theme.


    • Thank you, much appreciated. Subscribed.

      I wonder . . . this is not a “Name.wordpress.com” blog. It looks to be your own blog, under your own domain name. I pay WordPress.com for more storage on my blog just for the number and sizes of photos I post (the technical term is ‘a crapload’), but you don’t seem to have a great excess of photos.

      WordPress (the self installed/hosted version) does NOT know about any limits your host might impose, and most hosting sites offer huge amounts of storage.

      So I wonder if this storage issue is a glitch, and if not, why is there a limit on your own domain name?

      I ask because although I’m not familiar how that works, I thought you could have it hosted almost anywhere, and these days storage is very cheap. Also because that is something I was considering.

      Perhaps Google’s blogs might be an alternative. As far as I know, you get something like 7GB or more, and an additional 20GB for just $5 a year.


  18. Sol says:

    Hi, would love to know more about buying rights for some of the portraits (web use)… Let me know if you are interested.


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